

At your side. For better fiber digestion
Indicate for:
cows and cattle


ALBIzyme is a balanced mix of digestive properties (diastatic activity) derived from barley malt and wheat grains. It is a line of patented products with a unique and innovative technology. As a matter of fact, various formulations have been studied in relation to the specificity of the raw materials used in farms.

ALBIzyme makes it possible to increase the digestibility of fibre and starch in the ration. There a great variations in nutrient digestibility; that of starch varies from 60% to over 98%, like hemicellulose and cellulose from 5% to 76%.

This situation has a huge impact on production efficiency. According to Oba and Allen (1999)*, a 1% increase in the digestibility of NDF means a higher feed intake of 0.17 kg and a higher milk production of 0.25 kg.

Plus of product
  • Improves ruminal digestibility of nutrients
  • Increases feed efficiency and feed conversion
  • Maximizes the use of farm raw materials
  • Decreases the amount of nutrients digested in the lower gut, reducing undesiderable fermentation
  • Reduces the loss of nutrients in the feces
  • Reduces variability of the feces quality
  • Improves production and quality of milk
  • Improves the energy balance postpartum
  • Impacts positively on reproductive parameters
  • Ensures higher daily weight gains, improving muscle structure for beef cattle
  • Increases the farm profitability

General Specifications

